Exciting news for Dr. Richard Seldes!
Exciting news for Dr. Richard Seldes! With over 1100 citations of his articles, Dr. Seldes now ranks in the top 15% among his peers on Doximity. His contributions to the medical field continue to make an impact.

Dr. Richard Seldes, M.D. has been Reviewed, Approved and Featured in Healthy Living 2024.

Richard Seldes, MD, Earns Board Recertification in Orthopaedic Surgery
Hackensack, New Jersey—Orthopaedic surgeon Richard Seldes, MD, of Bergen Orthopedics was recently recertified by the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery (ABOS) for Board Certification in Orthopaedic Surgery and for Subspecialty Certification in Orthopaedic Sports Medicine.
The Subspecialty Certificate is for Board Certified orthopaedic surgeons who have demonstrated qualifications in surgery of the hand/sports medicine beyond those expected of other orthopaedic surgeons by virtue of additional training, a practice characterized by a volume of cases in surgery of the hand/sports medicine, or have made significant contributions to this field.
In order to be recertified, Dr. Seldes passed a recertification examination, received positive reviews from peers in their practice area, had a selected period of surgical cases evaluated, and participated in continuing medical education.
The American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery, Inc. was founded in 1934 as a private, voluntary, nonprofit, independent organization to serve the best interests of the public and the medical profession. These interests are achieved through the ABOS by establishing standards for the education of orthopaedic surgeons. These standards are evaluated by the ABOS through examinations and practice evaluations.
Dr. Seldes leads the orthopedic robotic program at LIJ Forest Hills
- Bone & Joint 2020
Northwell Long Island Jewish Forest Hills Hospital gets Advanced Certification for Total Knee and Hip Replacement

- Bone & Joint 2019
- NY Top Doctors 2019
QUEENS May 17, 2019Dr. Richard M. Seldes, has been selected for the 2019 Best of Queens Award in the Doctor category by the Queens Award Program.
Read the latest health and medical information to make informed decisions about your health care concerns.
Joint replacement can offer relief, fresh start
Source: Queens Chronicle
There can come a time when joint discomfort can cross the threshold from inconvenient to incapacitating. When that time comes, joint replacement surgery can be an option. Dr. Richard Seldes, director of the Department of Orthopedic Surgery at Northwell Health’s Long Island Jewish Forest Hills hospital, told the Chronicle this week that for many, the process can bring relief.
Know when it’s time for a joint replacement
Source: Queens Chronicle
Dr. Richard Seldes, a board-certified orthopedic surgeon and director of orthopedic surgery at Northwell Health’s Long Island Jewish Forest Hills hospital since 2006, calls such surgery an “elective procedure,” one that is based on a “personal decision by the patient.”
Some people have such severe pain that they are unable to do things for themselves. “If arthritis affects daily living, it’s usually time to have surgery,” Seldes suggested.
Before that, however, the doctor recommends other routes, including physical therapy.
Anatomy, Histologic Features and Vascularity of the Adult Acetabular Labrum
Elderly Get Patch for Rotator Cuff
Biological Tissue Scaffolds in Shoulder Surgery
Source: Surgical Innovations
"Hospital Within a Hospital"Delivers Comprehensive Orthopedic Services
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